by pauly | Dec 11, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
“What is failure? It’s having succeeded at something without connection or meaning.” The Pauly Cast is lucky to have discovered this fresh new voice of wisdom and revelation. Natasha Adamo (find her on Instagram!) brings a raw authenticity to everything she touches,...
by pauly | Dec 4, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
“We all have the wisdom and we all have the foolishness, whether you are the Dali Lama or the person bagging your groceries. Each one is way more rich and beautiful and deep, and also wounded, and silly and dark. All of us, and I mean that. Please greet everyone you...
by pauly | Sep 25, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
Filippo Voltaggio, Author, Speaker, LIFECoach, and TV and Radio Host, has incorporated the years of experience from being in front of, behind and on the little screen, the big screen and live stages into every thing he does. His passion has become incorporating all...
by pauly | Jul 7, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
“Soul breathing is the unification of the intellect with the deeper wisdom of the soul.” Carrie L’Esperance is an artist, writer, certified iridologist, and permaculture designer who offers workshops at a rustic retreat and nature preserve in northern California. The...
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