Richard Anderson #1167

Richard Anderson #1167

A fascinating discussion with author and micro-biologist Richard M. Anderson on his new book, Outbound: Islands in the Void plus all kinds of other planetary happenings. We talk about climate change, humanity, the brain, and life across the galaxies. Richard is an...
Matthew Dicks #1086

Matthew Dicks #1086

An inspiring conversation with author Matthew Dicks (also find him on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!) on his wonderful new book, Someday Is Today and nine other books. He is also a bestselling novelist, nationally recognized storyteller, and award-winning elementary...
Anita Kopacz #894

Anita Kopacz #894

A deep, expansive, soul -infused conversation with author and spiritual goddess Anita Kopacz. We also talk about her compelling new novel, Shallow Waters, and the mystical being who inspired the work and infuses the words. Anita Kopacz is an award-winning writer and...
Robin Cook #622

Robin Cook #622

What a joy to welcome back my friend and New York Times Bestselling author, Robin Cook.  For you writers out there, this is a Master’s Class from one of the most successful of our time.  He and I also talk about his fantastic new book, Pandemic.  Robin also talks...
Chris Farnsworth #320

Chris Farnsworth #320

Chris Farnsworth is the epitome of a real pro.  The guy just shows up and gets his thing done, which in this case is writing a fabulous new thriller- Flashmob.  Chris is a wonderful story and has a keen sense of pop culture so this interview covered a lot of different...