Odessa Kelly #1034

Odessa Kelly #1034

Democratic candidate for the United States Congress Odessa Kelly joins me to talk about her inspired run for higher office. She was born and raised in Nashville and grew up on the East Side in a community struggling with poverty, substance abuse, and gun violence...
Nick Carmody #1026

Nick Carmody #1026

Few people have as much clarity in terms of what is unfolding in this world as my friend Nick Carmody (find him on Twitter!). We take a deep dive on a variety of topics here as always, Nick illuminates and educates. Nick Carmody, JD, MS-Psychology, has an...
Heidi Campbell #1023

Heidi Campbell #1023

The brilliant and inspiring Heidi Campbell returns to discuss her run for the United States Congress in the state of Tennessee. We also discuss a wide variety of issues from gun violence to the environmental challenges we face. Please listen and support my incredible...
Christian Amato #992

Christian Amato #992

My friend and community advocate, organizer, Democratic strategist Christian Amato joins me to discuss his inspired run for the New York State Senate. What an honor to help lift this man and his message up in this time where we need a whole new type of leader to...
Pam Keith #955

Pam Keith #955

Political activist and committed truth-teller Pam Keith (find her on Twitter!) returns to discuss the landscape of the moment. As always, she pulls no punches as we dive into the current state of the American political scene, as well as talk about the...