Ed Greenberger (find him on Twitter!) and I met when he sent me a beautiful note about my book, Hitchhiking With Larry David. Since then we have become friends and share a love of sports.
This is his first time on and we talk about Cleveland’s cursed history in regards to gaining a championship, fathers and sons, some of what is happening in Austin, his little girls, and so much more. Enjoy!
A little background on Mr. G-
Ed joined the Time Warner Cable News team in July 2013, and has been a broadcast journalist for nearly two decades.
Prior to serving as a news anchor, Ed spent a decade as a sports anchor and reporter.
Ed is a graduate of the University of Miami with degrees in broadcast journalism and political science.
Outside of work, you might find Ed inventing a new board game, presiding over his 25-year-old fantasy football league or writing a screenplay that he says is sure to remain unproduced.
Here are some other things you might not know about Ed:
- I am a long-suffering Cleveland sports fan. A good chunk of my life has been devoted to the hopeless pursuit of rooting for the Browns, Indians or Cavs to win a single measly championship. Which makes me either incredibly loyal or an idiot. I’ll let you decide. (My wife decided a long time ago.)
- I invented a board game called WaveLength that made it all the way into Toys ‘R’ Us stores nationwide… for about 15 minutes. You can still buy it online in some places. Feel free to pick up a couple million copies.
- I have written several unproduced screenplays and TV pilots. One screenplay was a finalist in a Hollywood script contest. Most of the stuff I’ve written involves the world of TV news.
- My favorite food in the world is Skyline Chili, which is the most famous chain of Cincinnati chili restaurants. Ironically, I was introduced to Skyline Chili in Fort Lauderdale. Go figure.
- Speaking of Fort Lauderdale, after moving from Cleveland when I was 8, I grew up in south Florida. I love it there. We’ll probably retire there someday because, as Jerry Seinfeld says, we’ll be 60… and that’s the law.
- I’m the guy who will correct your spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. If you find any errors in what you’re reading right now, I’m out of the office.
- I have a beautiful, brilliant wife and two amazing daughters.
- I can do some pretty good impressions, including Sean Connery, Beavis and Butt-Head and Yoda. But don’t ask me to do them – it embarrasses me.
- I’m a math whiz. I can perform fairly complex computations in my head, although that power is slowly starting to erode in my old age.
- I’ve been the commissioner of a fantasy football league for 27 years. We started in 1989. The first draft pick in our league was Dan Marino. We’re old.
Loved this conversation. Ordered “Hitchhiking today. As an old friend of Ed’s dad, I got a special enjoyment out of hearing Ed talk about him. Also, very impressed with Ed, never having met him.
As I find out more and more about you, I keep thinking that you should be in contact with a friend of mine, Eliezer Sobel. I’m going to send him the link to this podcast
Thank you Marty!