Pauly Cast Number 43 With Chris Raine

Pauly Cast Number 43 With Chris Raine           Pauly Cast Number 43 With Chris Raine          
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    Chris RaineI have become increasing aware of the overwhelming pervasive presence of alcohol in our culture. In fact, it was the primary cause of conflict and eventual breakup in the relationship that I wrote about in my book, Martha’s Vineyard Miracles.

    Alcoholism killed my grandfather, and later my favorite aunt. I have seen it ruin countless lives in countless ways.

    Ours appears to be an addiction-based culture, and these behavior patterns take on many manifestations.

    My dear friend Annabel mentioned, Hello Sunday Morning, and the brilliant work its founder, Chris Raine was doing in the world. All it took was one placed e-mail request and the whole thing came together effortlessly.

    Chris is an amazing young man, conscious and considerate, and despite his already impressive amount of achievement, quite humble. He and his team are on the cutting edge of the latest technologies in an effort to help people find a more effective way to move through this often challenging world.

    The Pauly Cast also did a wonderful show on this with Dr. Richard Gray that is worth checking out.

    Once again, everything seems to come back to us finding our unique purpose in this glorious cosmos… for which Chris offers some wonderful and practical tips.

    Some Links Mentioned In This Episode With Chris Raine