Peter Yarrow #643

Peter Yarrow #643

This is an iconic episode with legendary singer, songwriter and activist Peter Yarrow. Known to most through his landmark work with Peter, Paul, and Mary, he’s also been on the forefront of social justice and activism for decades. We take an incredibly deep dive into...
Kreis Beall #641

Kreis Beall #641

This is beautiful, heartbreaking, wisdom filled exchange with the co-founder of Blackberry Farm, Kreis Beall. We talk about her recent memoir, The Great Blue Hills of God, and how she found herself after some crushing events, like the loss of her precious son Sam and...
Sylvia Ann Hewlett #640

Sylvia Ann Hewlett #640

The #MeToo movement has lifted a heavy burden of pain and shame for millions of women (and many men, too), spearheading a huge shift in public opinion and initiating some clear-cut gains. “But despite the proliferation of cases, some days it seems that we’ve made...
Dr. Kevin Gilliland #638

Dr. Kevin Gilliland #638

This is a deeply engaging conversation with Dr. Kevin Gilliland, the author of Struggle Well, Live Well. Kevin brings a lot of authentic and hard earned wisdom to a variety of topics here. I really love his grounded in the heart approach to life and living well. Kevin...