Julian Guderley #673

Julian Guderley #673

Recorded on Earth Day, this is simply a beautiful exchange with the highly awakened founder of Green Planet, Blue Planet, Julian Guderley. We really went deep and into some fascinating places like the existence of life throughout the universe. We also touched on the...
Natassja Ebert #672

Natassja Ebert #672

This is an amazing dialogue with photo journalist Natassja Ebert who is documenting what is happening in New York City during the pandemic while working with World Central Kitchen. She tells some incredible stories on what she witnessed and the lives that have been...
Sarah Kendzior #671

Sarah Kendzior #671

What a joy to welcome back the great Sarah Kendzior. She is surely one of the great political voices in America and we talk about her brilliant new book, Hiding In Plain Sight, plus the current corona virus and how it relates to politics. Sarah is one of the first...
Galen Guengerich #670

Galen Guengerich #670

This is a beautiful conversation with Galen Guengerich, the Senior Minister of All Souls Unitarian Church, an historic congregation located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City. We talk about his timely book, The Way of Gratitude, and how to find...
Laura Bakosh #669

Laura Bakosh #669

My dear friend Laura Bakosh (find her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!) returns to talk about what her company, Inner Explorer is doing during the pandemic to bring mindfulness to children and families. This is one of the most effective programs I have had the...
Dr. Joshua Bennett #668

Dr. Joshua Bennett #668

What an honor to welcome the brilliant poet Dr. Joshua Bennett to the show for the first time and hear his magnificent gift with the spoken word first hand right here on What Matters Most. We talk about his take on coronavirus as well as other pressing topics. Joshua...