Gordana Biernat #169

Gordana Biernat #169

“There is so much magic in this world if we simply allow it to happen.” What an honor to spend some time with Gordana Biernat (find her on Twitter and Facebook!), this amazing Goddess of Light and Love who is so tuned into the Higher Realm. Oprah Winfrey has included...
Chief Arvol Looking Horse #168

Chief Arvol Looking Horse #168

“Mother Earth is The Source, not a resource.” I had the extraordinary privilege of sitting with one of the planet’s Elders, Chief Arvol Looking Horse. We spoke about the Native People’s current struggle to protect their water rights in North Dakota and other...
Harold Dolman Encore Show #167

Harold Dolman Encore Show #167

Today my hero and father, is 92 years young! So I decided to honor him by rebroadcasting this interview I did with him on Father’s Day! Happy birthday Dad and I hope you will all take a moment to honor your own fathers, wherever they may be. My Books Hitchhiking With...
Gene Baur #166

Gene Baur #166

What an honor to spend some time with such a committed, conscious soul who is actively creating a better world for all of us, animals included, to live in.  Gene Baur is a deeply inspiring man and his wise words here are highly informative. Gene Baur has been hailed...
JP Sears #165

JP Sears #165

“I think what we are all really looking for in our lives is meaning and miracles. Miracles as in living in a state of awe.” I always love when JP Sears (find him on YouTube and Facebook!) comes on and we mix our unique brand of mindless madness together to create a...
Paul Samuel Dolman BBC Interview #164

Paul Samuel Dolman BBC Interview #164

The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is doing a documentary on being open and meeting people. The producers caught wind of my book, Hitchhiking With Larry David, all the way over in England and reached out to me for an interview. This is our wonderful exchange!...