Maggie Doyne #1168

Maggie Doyne #1168

The inspiring Maggie Doyne (find her on X, Instagram, and Facebook!) returns to talk about the documentary, Between the Mountain and the Sky as well as co-founding the Kopila Valley Children’s Home and School in Surkhet, Nepal. The BlinkNow Foundation has also broken...
Richard Anderson #1167

Richard Anderson #1167

A fascinating discussion with author and micro-biologist Richard M. Anderson on his new book, Outbound: Islands in the Void plus all kinds of other planetary happenings. We talk about climate change, humanity, the brain, and life across the galaxies. Richard is an...
Paul Nugent #1166

Paul Nugent #1166

I had a wonderful conversation with author Paul Nugent on the ongoing UFO phenomenon and his brilliant new book, Maya Mire: A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World. Paul was brought up in the Church of England, culminating in regular...
Marianne Williamson #1165

Marianne Williamson #1165

My dear friend Marianne Williamson returns to the show to talk about the current political landscape and the recent election. We touch on a wide spectrum of issues here with great depth and nuance. Please take a listen with an open mind and heart to this brilliant...
Adam Markel #1164

Adam Markel #1164

A beautiful and wide ranging conversation with the inspiring Adam Markel. I love how deep we went here and the life wisdom shared. Bestselling author, keynote speaker, workplace expert and resilience researcher Adam Markel inspires leaders to master the challenges of...
Sarah Kendzior #1163

Sarah Kendzior #1163

My favorite political author and the absolute premier speaker of truth Sarah Kendzior returns to discuss what’s been unfolding lately, from the rise of Vice President Harris to the odd circumstances around the attempted shooting of former President Trump. Sarah...