Sy Montgomery #1006

Sy Montgomery #1006

My beautiful friend Sy Montgomery returns for an inspiring conversation about her new book, The Hawk’s Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty, plus so much more. Sy is one of the most loving, open-hearted souls I have the privilege of connecting with, on top of being a...
Janisse Ray #1005

Janisse Ray #1005

One of my favorite writers, the great Janisse Ray of Ecology of a Cracker Childhood fame, the NY Times bestseller, returns to discuss all things natural and mystical plus her brilliant new book Wild Spectacle: Seeking Wonders in a World Beyond Humans. Janisse Ray is...
Darren Parry #1004

Darren Parry #1004

A deep and moving conversation with Shoshone Tribal Elder, Darren Parry. He is also the author of a brilliant book, The Bear River Massacre: A Shoshone History. We talk about the past, present and future and Darren is just a born teacher and weaver of stories. Darren...
Jovanka Ciares #1003

Jovanka Ciares #1003

A wonderful and free flowing conversation with wellness expert Jovanka Ciares (find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn!) on her brilliant new book, Reclaiming Wellness. A certified wellness expert, integrative herbalist, nutrition educator, and...
John Strelecky #1002

John Strelecky #1002

John Strelecky, #1 bestselling inspirational author of many books including The Cafe on the Edge of the World, joins me to talk about his series of books and how he has been navigating the world over the past two years during the global pandemic. John’s other...
Joshua Black #1001

Joshua Black #1001

What a wonderful exchange with comedian Joshua Black on a wide range of issues that we find ourselves dealing with during this incredible time. Josh is a voice of reason and has a unique perspective on life, he is also extremely clever and funny. Josh Black is a...