Carey Winfrey #355

Carey Winfrey #355

This was a delightful program with a great storyteller.  Carey Winfrey was a long time columnist for the New York Times and later went on to become the editor of Smithsonian Magazine.  He and I talk about some funny stuff, like the time he was too hung over to...
Nic Voge #354

Nic Voge #354

This show with Nic Voge is about so much more than teaching, learning and grades.  Nic really is a visionary and had so many interesting viewpoints on a variety of subjects.  We kept coming back to how do create a high-quality life here in this world with the limited...
Robert Clancy #353

Robert Clancy #353

What a joy to welcome back Angel on earth author Robert Clancy.  He shares about his new book, Soul Cyphers, and so much more.  This man has such a huge heart for love.  His wisdom both eternal and yet, grounded in the reality of the moment.  Robert really went deep...
Rachels Jeffs #352

Rachels Jeffs #352

Rachel Jeffs (find her on Twitter and read her book Breaking Free!) was sweet and soft spoken but what inner strength lies beneath.  This courageous woman had the strength to defy her father and the FLDS Church, which was really a cult, and leave with her five...
Tobias Leenaert #351

Tobias Leenaert #351

Tobias Leenaert is a longtime speaker, trainer, and strategist. He is also the cofounder and former director of the Belgian organization eva (Ethical Vegetarian Alternative), the first vege- tarian/vegan organization to receive structural funding from a national...
Robert Lyman #350

Robert Lyman #350

Robert Lyman is a fascinating man with a broad and deep scope of military history.  We covered a lot of ground and went into some interesting philosophical places together.  I was really struck by his wisdom and ability to communicate complex topics so easily.  His...
Ruth Golden #349

Ruth Golden #349

This was a very raw and real show about suicide.  I’ve been looking to do a show on this over the past year and fortunately found filmmaker Ruth Golden to be a guest on the show.  Ruth lost her mother and shares with deep authenticity the trials and tribulations she...
Father Richard Rohr #348

Father Richard Rohr #348

Father Richard Rohr returns to us again on Christmas.  We spoke about his new book, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation, plus so much more. Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within...
Rabbi Rami Shapiro #347

Rabbi Rami Shapiro #347

Rabbi Rami Shapiro (read his new book Holy Rascal!) truly is a holy rascal and an absolute joy to interact with on this show.  He is both funny and profound, using humor to open our hearts to higher wisdom.  We spoke both broadly about universal truths as well as on...
Becca Stevens #346

Becca Stevens #346

“Love heals and the real story is hope.” Christmas is a time of giving and going beyond our selves to lift up others. Becca Stevens (find her on Twitter!) is the living embodiment of this 365 days a year. So I could think of no one better to have on as we approach the...