Ian Morgan Cron #973

Ian Morgan Cron #973

A heart felt and flowing conversation with author Ian Morgan Cron on his wonderful new book, The Story of You: An Enneagram Journey to Becoming Your True Self. IAN MORGAN CRON is a bestselling author, psychotherapist, Enneagram teacher, Episcopal priest, and the host...
Amber Rae #972

Amber Rae #972

The inspiring Amber Rae returns to talk about her beautiful new book, The Answers Are Within You. This woman always inspires me with her willingness to be authentic, transparent and vulnerable across the spectrum of life. Amber Rae is an author, artist and global...
Thom Hartmann #971

Thom Hartmann #971

Our resident political genius Thom Hartmann returns to discuss his latest book, The Hidden History of Big Brother in America: How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy. Thom is a walking wisdom keeper on the American political...
Kim Krans #970

Kim Krans #970

A fascinating conversation with artist, author, visionary Kim Krans on a wide variety of topics. Kim brings amazing depth and authenticity to the moment. I also love her music which is powerful and moving. Kim Krans is also the creator of The New York Times bestseller...
Pierre Pradervand #969

Pierre Pradervand #969

The iconic sage Pierre Pradervand returns to the show to share his lifetime of perspective and wisdom. A magnificent yet gentle soul, Pierre touched me with his kindness and grace. Though global in scope, his basic tenants of love, kindness and simplicity are...
Rehka Sharma #968

Rehka Sharma #968

The incredibly talented and highly conscious Rekha Sharma joins me to talk about life in the entertainment industry as well as her own personal journey. This is a real treat for me since this lovely soul is also a dear and treasured friend. Praised for her ability to...
Dan Millman #967

Dan Millman #967

Sweet Dan Millman, the Peaceful Warrior.  A beautiful heart centered conversation with legendary author Dan Millman on his inspiring new book, Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit. Dan and I dive in deeply here on a number of topics. As always he shares with great wisdom...
Jennifer J. Hayes #966

Jennifer J. Hayes #966

I always feel blessed to sit down with my dear friend, author, relationship coach & professional matchmaker Jennifer J. Hayes returns to talk about love, romance, dating and the cultural pressures around Valentine’s Day. This one was so much FUN! Jennifer’s...
Shaka Senghor #965

Shaka Senghor #965

A beautiful, heart opening conversation with author Shaka Senghor on his inspiring new book Letters To The Sons of Society – A Father’s Invitation to Love, Honesty, and Freedom. We also touch on his time in prison, the wisdom of Malcolm X, fatherhood,...
Simon Athearn #964

Simon Athearn #964

My longtime friend Simon Athearn joins me to discuss one of my favorite places: Morning Glory Farm on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. This goes so much deeper than just the nuts and bolts of growing and harvesting, it’s actually a beautiful exchange of...