David Hopkins #146

David Hopkins #146

David Hopkins (find him on Facebook, Medium, and Twitter!) writes a little bit of everything and a whole lot of some things. His work includes the short story collection We Miss All the Great Parties and the burlesque memoir The Wild and Wayward Tales of Tammi True....
Tamarack Song #145

Tamarack Song #145

Tamarack Song (read his books!), Owl Clan, has been a student of the Old Way since his youth. He met his first mentor – a Canadian Metis Woman named She Who Talks With Loons – right after dropping out of college for the third time. In the years following,...
Denis Campbell #144

Denis Campbell #144

The Pauly Cast’s provocative political correspondent Denis Campbell (find him on Facebook, read his book, and check out Muckrakers!) joins us from our UK Studios to talk about the politics, the Presidential race, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and other hot button...
Dr. Stephanie Marango #143

Dr. Stephanie Marango #143

“There is a gift in every wound.” Stephanie Marango, MD, RYT is a holistic health physician and educator, and founder of i.m.body. Her work connects your tangible energy (e.g. physical) to your intangible energy (e.g. mental, emotional, spiritual), and applies it in a...
Special Father’s Day Show #142

Special Father’s Day Show #142

This show is close to my heart and embodies my soul.  My beloved dad joins me on Father’s Day for a special Pauly Cast.  I tried to stay out of the way and let him shine.  His recall is amazing and he even shared a couple of things I had never heard him say...
David Cressman #141

David Cressman #141

In a timely interview, author Derek Cressman joins the Pauly Cast to talk about his powerful book- “When Money Talks… The High Price of Free Speech and the Selling of Democracy.” Derek Cressman began working professionally to reduce big money in...
Rodney Lawrence Hurst Sr. #140

Rodney Lawrence Hurst Sr. #140

“It is a struggle. It is a battle that has to be fought and you understand in this battle, and this struggle, not to be cliché about it, but that it is not a sprint, but a marathon, yet it is worth fighting.” This was a beautiful exchange with Rodney Lawrence Hurst...
Becca Stevens #139

Becca Stevens #139

“The real story is hope.” BECCA STEVENS is many things…an author, speaker, social entrepreneur, founder and President of Thistle Farms, the largest social enterprise in the US run by survivors. She has been featured in the New York Times, on ABC World News, NPR, PBS,...
Carl Johan Calleman #138

Carl Johan Calleman #138

Carl Johan Calleman was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1950 and his scholarly career is now beginning on its third phase. The first phase was training and practice as a professional scientist in the years 1974-93. He got his PhD in Physical Biology under the mentorship...
Marianne Williamson #137

Marianne Williamson #137

“This lifetime is short. Love the people you know, suck of the juice of love and glory every single day. Rise to the occasion!” MARIANNE WILLIAMSON is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times...