Melissa Bernstein #802

Melissa Bernstein #802

This is a deeply heart-centered show with one of the most beautiful souls I’ve encountered, Melissa Bernstein. We talk her founding a hugely successful toy company and her epic existential struggles with depression. Melissa really shares her heart here with me...
J. Dana Trent #801

J. Dana Trent #801

This is my fourth conversation with the official What Matters Most Chaplain and well known grief guru J. Dana Trent (find her on Twitter!). As always this beautiful soul opens up her heart and here with such clarity. Also, check out her compelling book, Dessert First,...
Kim Scott #799

Kim Scott #799

This is a highly stimulating and thought provoking conversation with the brilliant Kim Scott, the author of Just Work: Get Sh*t Done Fast and Fair and Radical Candor. Kim really blew me away with her intelligence and heart-centered wisdom. Kim Scott is the author of...
Emily Thiroux Threatt #798

Emily Thiroux Threatt #798

A beautiful, flowing conversation with Emily Thiroux Threatt on death, dying, grief, grieving and her new book, Loving and Loving Your Way Through Grief. This woman has so much heart and soul. Emily is a Grief Transformation Expert and holds a Master’s Degree in...