Mary Helen Hensley #45

Mary Helen Hensley #45

I have always been fascinated with people who experienced near-death phenomenon. Their stories are many and well documented. Mary Helen (Facebook page; blog) was gracious enough to come on the Pauly Cast and share her amazing story of being crushed in an automobile...
Mary Helen Hensley #45

Jeff Brown #44

I have long admired the work of Jeff Brown (Facebook page), so having him on the show was a real privilege. Jeff continues to push the edge on one’s search for truth, meaning, identity and purpose. He also has some enlightening perspectives on the nature of...
Chris Raine #43

Chris Raine #43

I have become increasing aware of the overwhelming pervasive presence of alcohol in our culture. In fact, it was the primary cause of conflict and eventual breakup in the relationship that I wrote about in my book, Martha’s Vineyard Miracles. Alcoholism killed my...
Mary Helen Hensley #45

Richard Gray #42

I spent a fascinating forty minutes talking to the brilliant Richard Gray about the effects of PTSD and addiction, some exciting new ways to eradicate these afflictions, and how we can hack the brain so it can then heal itself. We touched on the epidemic of addiction...
Mary Helen Hensley #45

Mailbag #41

Artist Katherine Lott (find her on Facebook!) and Paul Samuel Dolman (Hitchhiking With Larry David) dive back into the mailbag of questions with the usual dose of humor and wisdom. We start off my sharing our experiences as a step-parent and Katherine offers some...