Milan Homola #99

Milan Homola #99

“Darkness moves in the direction of apathy… If we don’t invite people to participate, we rob them of the opportunity of everything God wants them to do through that opportunity.” Milan Homola talks about being touched on the morning of 9-11 and redirected his...
Jayem #98

Jayem #98

“Epiphany is available everywhere, if we sit with anything long enough it will dissolve into mystery.” Jayem shares that his extraordinary encounter with Jeshua, in 1987, was the beginning of a long, sustained apprenticeship grounded in a deep and humble devotional...
Gustavo Tanaka #97

Gustavo Tanaka #97

“I think we created a structure that is not working for us anymore, so it is up to us to create this new system that works for us.” According to Gustavo Tanaka (find him on Twitter and Facebook), a Brazilian author and entrepreneur who is trying to create a new model...
Sky Story

Sky Story

After interviewing Scott Neeson on my show The Pauly Cast, I became inspired to get involved with the humble goal of changing Just One Life. Now, with the generous support of my closest friends, our small group has taken on the Sacred Stewardship of this fine young...
Armstrong Williams #96

Armstrong Williams #96

“It doesn’t matter what they call you, it is what you answer to.  Everyday is a miracle and the simple things in life makes things worthwhile.” This was a surprisingly candid and deeply spiritual conversation with the always inspiring Armstrong Williams (find him on...