Jayem Part Three #116

Jayem Part Three #116

Part Three of our ongoing series with the beautiful Soul named Jayem. Today, we speak about the unity of everything that exists. “Nothing is occurring by accident, that there is no such thing as a random event.  There is just this beautiful orchestration and...
Sarah Kendzior #115

Sarah Kendzior #115

Had the privilege to interview one of the fresh voices in media, when Sarah Kendzior (find her on Twitter!) graciously agreed to come on the show. We cover a lot of ground here; from the current political campaigns to the country’s history of racism and violence. She...
Mailbag #114

Mailbag #114

Here we have another wonderful Mailbag with the beloved Katherine Lott… New Podcast Questions Paul, did you study writing in school? ~ From Edward War of Art On Writing Sky CCF Scott Neeson Link I was looking at the many Pauly Cast fan pages and apparently the...
Tom Krattenmaker #113

Tom Krattenmaker #113

Tom and I cover a vast spectrum of political topics in this rollicking program. Tom Krattenmaker writes regularly for USA Today’s op-ed page as a member of the newspaper’s editorial Board of Contributors. His column-writing was honored by the American Academy of...
Jen Senko #112

Jen Senko #112

“I feel like I prepared my whole life to do this film. I don’t want to die tomorrow, but if I did at least I made this film. It was really life fulfilling for me, I did what I had to do.” Jen Senko is an award winning documentary filmmaker based in New York City. Her...