Brian Jones #1082

Brian Jones #1082

An illuminating conversation with author Brian Jones on his brilliant new book, The Tuskegee Student Uprising: A History. This is a fascinating history on this particular incident and really so much more. Brian Jones is director of the Center for Educators and Schools...
Karen Cerulo #1081

Karen Cerulo #1081

A lovely and deeply informative conversation with sociologist Karen Cerulo on her new book, Dreams of a Lifetime which reveals that what and how we dream—and whether we believe our dreams can actually come true—are tied to our social class, gender, race, age, and life...
Dr. Bandy Lee #1080

Dr. Bandy Lee #1080

The brilliant and deeply insightful psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee (also find her on Twitter!) returns to talk about the current state of the American psyche plus so much more. I feel so honored that this heroic woman comes on my program to share her profound wisdom with...
Mary Lawless Lee #1079

Mary Lawless Lee #1079

A beautiful conversation with author and entrepreneur Mary Lawless Lee on her new book, Happily Grey and her journey from perfectionism to self-acceptance. We also touch on her love of motherhood. Mary Lawless Lee is both the founder and face of the influential...
Isa Watson #1078

Isa Watson #1078

Supernova Isa Watson joins me to discuss her brilliant new book, Life Beyond Likes: Logging Off Your Screen and Into Your Life. We also touch her rise in the tech world and how she finds peace through skydiving. In her own words… Across every experience—from...