Father Richard Rohr #485

Father Richard Rohr #485

Father Richard Rohr returns to us again on Christmas.  We spoke about his new book, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation. Plus so much more. Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within...
Becca Stevens #484

Becca Stevens #484

“Love heals and the real story is hope.” Christmas is a time of giving and going beyond our selves to lift up others.  Becca Stevens (find her on Twitter, too!) is the living embodiment of this 365 days a year.  So I could think of no one better to have on as we...
Andrew Yang #483

Andrew Yang #483

What a privilege to host visionary leader Andrew Yang (find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!) who is running for the office of President in 2020.  He has a very detailed platform to address the myriad of challenges we face as a nation.  Andrew is a...
Dr. Vanessa Siddle-Walker #482

Dr. Vanessa Siddle-Walker #482

What an honor to welcome the great Dr. Vanessa Siddle-Walker (watch her CSPAN talk!) to our family.  A legendary historian and educator as well as the author of several fabulous books, including her latest masterpiece, The Education of Horace Tate, she has spent a...
Rabbi Ben Kamin #481

Rabbi Ben Kamin #481

What a blessing to share an enlightened conversation with the great rabbi Ben Kamin (read his book!).  This was a very moving program for me as we touched on both personal grief, and collective loss.  Ben has a huge and generous heart and he shared profoundly on this...