David Young #611

David Young #611

David Young is a beautiful man and a gifted teacher.  We take a deep dive into the lives of Jesus and Mary Magdelana as we discuss his brilliant new book, The True Story of Jesus and his Wife Mary Magdalena.  He also brilliantly tied their story into the modern era...
Corin Grillo #610

Corin Grillo #610

Wow, this one was so much fun and of course just bursting with wisdom.  Corin Grillo (find her on Facebook and Instagram!) is an angel channel, healer and teach who has written a fabulous book.  She is also bursting with joy.  We even had a few wonderful surprises...
Mary Sise #609

Mary Sise #609

What a deep and fascinating exchange with well-know energy healer and author, Mary Sise.  A natural teacher, the wisdom just flowed out of her as well as so much loving kindness.  She spoke about her inspired work with her Holiness Sai Maa and their collective work...
Deborah Anderson #608

Deborah Anderson #608

This is a deeply moving interview with filmmaker Deborah Anderson on her compelling yet heartbreaking film, Women of the White Buffalo.  Her vision on this film is so inspiring and her words here so full of truth that I was moved to tears several times throughout the...
Pierre Pradervand #607

Pierre Pradervand #607

This show with the luminous Pierre Pradervand (explore the Gentle Art of Blessing) just touched my soul so deeply.  A magnificent yet gentle soul, Pierre touched me with his wisdom and grace.  Though global in scope, his basic tenants of love, kindness and simplicity...