I am passionate about…
Loving who or what is in front of me in the moment

Paul wrote the highly successful book,
Hitchhiking With Larry David
Other books-
Martha’s Vineyard Miracles
Seven Crazy Days In Maui
Beverly Hills Hobo
What Matters Most
Paul travels extensively and gives talks on a variety of subjects.
He has been a professional musician & songwriter
He currently divides his time between Martha’s Vineyard & Anastasia Island
Paul Samuel Dolman founded the South Beach Entertainment Company in Nashville in 1996 connecting major artists, writers, labels, and producers with quality material and helping to develop talent with great success. The company branched out into publishing while expanding into the television and film markets of Los Angeles and New York. As the company reached its peak in 2004, Paul decided to sell it and step away to pursue other avenues of interest.
For the next three years he toured the world and gave countless talks on finding one’s purpose, creating a new business, and reimaging the definition of success.
While spending a summer in Martha’s Vineyard, he was picked up hitchhiking by the famous comedian, television star and creator of Seinfeld, Larry David. The two hit it off and had a series of magical encounters which Paul then turned into the bestselling book, ‘Hitchhiking With Larry David.’ The book is currently under an option for a feature film. Paul followed that with four other books including Martha’s Vineyard Miracles and Beverly Hills Hobo.
After an extensive, multi-year book tour, Paul settled in Beverly Hills and began working in the film industry with stars such as Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Mickey Rourke, and Matthew Modine as well as talent agencies and directors putting together projects and packages.
Feeling led to do something more substantial and with a deeper purpose, he created the What Matters Most Podcast. To date he has done over 800 episodes featuring a variety of world leaders across a vast spectrum of interests. These include people like Mexican President Vincente Fox, Dutch humanitarian Fred Matser, Author Eddie Glaude, NBC commentator Heather McGhee, Congressman Tim Ryan, Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Dakota Sioux, South Africa’s Ndaba Mandela, Presidential candidates Andrew Yang & Marianne Williamson, Climate scientists Dr. Michael Mann & Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, NASA’s Peter Kalmus, Grammy-winner Patti Austin, Pulitzer Prize winning author-historian David McCullough, Her Holiness Sai Maa, Holy Father Richard Rohr, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Ervin Laszlo, legendary peace activist Arum Gandhi, as well as countless others.
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