Marcus Whitney joins The Pauly Cast to talk about what makes a successful entrepreneur and how he believes this can be a path to personal freedom.
Show notes:
Marcus and I have known each other for years. From that first moment in Nashville (At the old Wild Oats grocery store juice bar) there was a warmth and connection that went beyond the linear reality of our circumstances. In fact, for a long time I had no idea what he did for work, it didn’t matter. I just liked the guy.
I also saw him with his two young sons and was inspired by his caring, attentive, and conscious parenting.
Eventually it came to light that he was a highly successful entrepreneur and was deeply involved with the Nashville Entrepreneur Center (Co-founded by another dear friend of mine, John Ingram.)
Later he introduced me to a lovely young woman with a warm smile that he had fallen in love with, and I knew these two were in for a fabulous time together on the path of relationship.
About a month ago I received a link from a friend with the note, ‘Marcus is putting together a funding campaign that will allow him to take the time to write a book.’
I was pleasantly surprised to find that by the time this e-mail reached, he was fully funded and then some.
So what could I do to help my beautiful brother in Soul & Spirit?
How about a guest appearance on The Pauly Cast?
Marcus, though incredibly busy juggling multiple projects, immediately accepted.
Of course once we started interacting on the program, the usual chemistry kicked in and we ended up going into some wonderful and unexpected places that were both provocative and for me, enlightening.
So it back and enjoy this magnificent man, and my dear friend, share his soul and truth with us.
Thank you Marcus Whitney for keeping it real here with us and in the world.
The show also covers some provocative areas like income disparity, social structures, and race in our society.
Marcus serves as the President of Jumpstart Foundry and is responsible for marketing and operations for both the accelerator program and corporate innovation services. Mr. Whitney co-founded Jumpstart Foundry and served as the Chief Marketing Officer.
He was a also co-founder at Moontoast and has been its advisor since October 2014.
Links and Topics From This Episode With Marcus Whitney
- Marcus Whitney’s official site
- Marcus Whitney on Facebook
- Income equality in America
- Another income equality article
- Unfettered capitalism
- Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story
- Bernie Sanders
- Paul Samuel Dolman interviews Senator Al Franken
- Incomes have fallen for many over the last 15 years
- Corporations as people
- Citizens United
- Entrepreneur Center in Nashville
- John Ingram
- Jumpstart Foundry
- Character traits of entrepreneurs
- Writing a book
- The War of Art
- Hitchhiking With Larry David
- Martha’s Vineyard Miracles
- The law of attraction
- Joseph Campbell The Hero’s Journey
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